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You can lower your property taxes

A Roadmap to Tax Savings


Get an independent appraisal

If your property’s assessed value feels like a weight on your shoulders, consider hiring an independent appraiser.

For a few hundred dollars, they can determine if your home’s value is lower than what’s assessed. It’s an investment that might pay off big.

Hiring an independent appraiser can provide you with valuable insights into the true worth of your property. By conducting a thorough assessment, they can highlight any discrepancies between the assessed value and the actual market value of your home. This information could potentially save you money in the long run, especially if your property taxes are based on an inflated

Investing a few hundred dollars in an independent appraisal now could lead to significant savings later on. In some cases, a revised property assessment could result in lower property taxes, putting more money back in your pocket. It’s a smart financial move that has the potential to pay off in the future.

Challenge exemptions

Don’t leave money on the table!

Check if you qualify for any property tax exemptions based on age, disability, or veteran status.

Claim what’s rightfully yours.

Make sure to take advantage of all the property tax exemptions available to you based on your age, disability, or veteran status. These exemptions are designed to help individuals like you save money and reduce their tax burden. By claiming these exemptions, you can ensure that you are receiving all the benefits that you are entitled to. Don’t miss out on these opportunities to save money and keep more of your hard-earned cash in your pocket. Be proactive in exploring your eligibility for these exemptions and claim what is rightfully yours.

File for homestead exemption

If your home is your one-and-only, make it official!

Owning and living in your primary residence can qualify you for a homestead exemption, potentially reducing your property taxes significantly.

By taking advantage of a homestead exemption, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of reduced property taxes on their primary residence. This can lead to substantial savings over time, allowing you to allocate your hard-earned money towards other important areas of your life. Making your home your official homestead not only provides financial advantages but also gives you a sense of security and stability in the place you call your own. Embrace the opportunity to protect your home and your finances by exploring the possibilities of a homestead exemption today!

Attend tax hearings

Your voice matters.

Attend local tax hearings where upcoming rates are discussed and share your concerns to help keep rates in check.
Your voice matters.

Attend local tax hearings where upcoming rates are discussed and share your concerns to help keep rates in check. Your input can make a meaningful difference in ensuring that the community’s needs and priorities are considered when decisions are being made. By actively participating in these discussions, you are not only exercising your civic duty but also contributing to the well-being of your fellow residents. Together, we can work towards creating a more transparent and equitable tax system that benefits everyone. So, speak up, be heard, and make a positive impact on your community.