Tatiana Teplitskiy | Corcoran Ferester Realty

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Buying Process


Initial Consultation

In this phase, we sit down together to discuss your home buying goals, preferences, and budget. We’ll explore your desired location, property features, and any specific requirements you may have. This consultation helps us understand your needs fully and tailor our search to find the perfect home for you.


Pre-Approval and Financing

Before diving into the market, it’s crucial to get pre-approved for a mortgage. This step involves meeting with a lender to assess your financial situation and determine the loan amount you qualify for. Once pre-approved, you’ll have a clear idea of your budget and can confidently proceed with the home search process.


Home Search and Viewing

Armed with your pre-approval, we begin the exciting journey of searching for your dream home. Using your criteria as a guide, we scour the market to identify properties that match your needs. We schedule viewings for homes that pique your interest, allowing you to explore them firsthand and envision yourself living there.


Making an Offer

After finding the perfect home, we’ll work together to craft a competitive offer. This involves considering various factors such as market conditions, comparable sales, and the seller’s motivations. I’ll negotiate on your behalf to secure the best possible deal while ensuring your interests are protected throughout the process.


Home Inspection and Due Diligence

Once your offer is accepted, we proceed with a home inspection to assess the property’s condition thoroughly. This step helps uncover any potential issues or repairs needed, allowing you to make an informed decision. We’ll also conduct due diligence, reviewing documents such as property disclosures and title reports to ensure a smooth closing process.


Closing and Possession

Finally, it’s time to close the deal and take possession of your new home! During the closing process, you’ll sign the necessary paperwork and complete any remaining tasks, such as transferring utilities and obtaining homeowners insurance. Once everything is finalized, you’ll receive the keys to your new home, marking the culmination of your home buying journey.

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Buyer's Guide
